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This is my last chance to be someone, and I don't want to return to India with my family!


Riya Sharma[2] was a contestant and the main antagonist for the second half of Disventure Camp Season 2 as a member of the Green Team. She returned as a contestant and the main antagonist for the second half of Disventure Camp: All-Stars as a member of the Yellow Team[3].


Riya is an Indian woman that has black eyes and long dark brown hair that she wears in a ponytail. In Season 2, she wears a yellow dress with a red jacket over it and red sandals. According to an official post, Riya is 5'8/1.77cm tall.

Her main outfit becomes more elaborate in Disventure Camp: All-Stars, and she now sports a yellow tube top, a dark brown alpaca fur coat and red Capri pants. She also wears large gold-framed cat-eye sunglasses with burgundy lenses on her head, a pearl necklace, several gold bracelets and dark reddish brown mid-calf boots. Her ponytail is also now held by a gold hair tie.


Upon first arriving at Camp Tipiskaw, Riya is initially a friendly and demure woman who is focused on expanding her acting career. She is shown getting along well with people such as Connor and Rosa María, and is disapproving of Yul's antics. However, after she reaches the merge, the prospect of fame and fortune causes her to take on a more competitive and cutthroat edge. She then goes on to double cross her closest allies one-by-one in order to advance herself in the game. By "Rotten Fruit", Riya's personality has drastically changed for the worse; she has completely lost all regard for the lives of the people around her, possibly forever, and only cares about winning the money and furthering her career. In "Money, Fame and Shame - Part 1", she is ruthless enough to leave Aiden hanging for his life on the edge of a cliff. In "Money, Fame and Shame - Part 2" she has a change of heart after being talked down to by her former friends.

However, this would later seem to amount to almost nothing in Disventure Camp: All-Stars. After discovering newfound fame in network dramas and being dubbed "The Villainess of TV" by the internet, Riya becomes egotistical and mean once again as she is seen callously mocking the other contestants in the premiere. However, as revealed by Connor in "Gone Buck Wild!", this seems to only be a persona that Riya puts on for the cameras, as she still has her kind and caring side when she's alone with Connor when the cameras are off (although she betrays him to stay with the villains' alliance in "Strike a Chord"). As seen in "Sandbag Sabotage" and "The Turbulent Triathlon", she is also willing to back-stab her own alliance members for her personal benefit. Later in the season, Riya's guilt begins to weigh on her, as she appears rather nervous and distraught from the cameras' pressure to always play her "villain role" perfectly. She shares a heartfelt moment with Alec, as well as confirming what she feels for Connor when a lie detector came into play. In "Like a Dark Horse", Riya receives a letter from her little sister, Eesha, who also wishes to pursue acting. Riya does not want this for her, as she finds Hollywood to not be for everyone. Despite this, Riya's stubbornness to cling to her own acting job as well as her willingness to stoop to any level in order to win the competition seems to have led her down a lonely and self-destructive path. Though "Put to the Sword" ends with her victory, Riya would realize too late that everyone hates her and wants nothing to do with her, including Connor, where she ends up miserable and alone, crying after seeing everyone else fulfill happier lives.


Disventure Camp Season 2

"Pilot" (ENES)

Green Team

Riya is introduced as a member of the Green Team.

In the season premiere, Riya introduces herself as a "Bollywood" actor who has been struggling to find a big role in a movie. She applied for Disventure Camp hoping it would earn her more exposure. Riya is one of the last contestants to arrive at camp and is placed on the Green Team. She is later seen bonding with her new teammates and is impressed by how much Yul has accomplished at his young age.

During the triathlon challenge, Riya is pitted against Oliver from the Orange Team in the footrace section at the end of the race. Despite the other team having a lead, she manages to defeat him and secure victory for her team.

"Open Your Eyes" (ENES)

The next day, Riya is seen during the challenge sitting with Connor when Yul approaches them to snitch on Kai for "conspiring" with a member of the opposing team. In the confessional, Riya states that she disapproves of Yul's immaturity, but doesn't want to speak up to him because she doesn't want a target on her back.

Riya's Career

Riya talks to Connor about being genuine about yourself.

After Connor admonishes Yul, Riya commends him for taking on the "adult role." When she notices Connor is upset, she asks him why and Connor tells her about how he feels like an outcast on the team because of his age. Riya offers him empathy because she feels the same way due to being on the other side of the world. She then tells Connor that is he keeps pretending to be someone else, that others will never get to know the "real" Connor. Connor then gets up and leaves and Riya says goodbye.

Riya performs well in the challenge, and attempts to keep Connor awake, but the two of them fall asleep by the start of Day 3 of having been awake. Despite this, Ally successfully outsleeps all the Orange Team members and wins Green Team the challenge.

"The Kiss-a-thon" (ENES)

Kiss of Riya and Yul

Riya kisses Yul.

The following day, Riya is seen soaking her feet in the water when Connor approaches her, thanking her for the pep talk she gave him the previous day. She accepts his thanks, pointing out how mature he is with her and how Connor could fit in anywhere in the world if he showed the real him. After being told by Connor that he'll soon be turning 50, Riya tells him that she turned 29 that day, before leaving him to take a shower before the challenge.

In the challenge, Riya has to kiss Yul for the challenge, but later vomits in a following confessional. Riya is later shown to have to kiss Connor in the challenge. Due to Yul not kissing Maggy, the Green Team loses the challenge.

Connor's Goodbye

Riya hugs Connor goodbye.

At elimination, Riya votes for Yul alongside Kai and Connor for his horrible attitude and methods. Unfortunately, Yul and his alliance with Hunter, Ally, and Tess vote out Kai in a 4-3 vote for his defiance against Yul. When Kristal then announces a surprise double elimination, Riya looks nervously at Connor knowing that they're outnumbered. Riya is then shocked by Connor decision to quit, asking for his reason why. After Connor gives Riya a perfume bottle wishing her a happy birthday, Riya hugs Connor, before he leaves with Kai.

"Truth Hurts" (ENES)

The next day, Riya is in a confessional talking about how with Connor leaving the game, Riya feels alone on her team with the other members in an alliance. She is then seen to have found a hidden advantage, which allows her to swap one person from each team onto the opposing one.

Riya's Advantage

Riya uses her advantage.

In the challenge, Riya uses her advantage to switch Yul from Green Team, and Rosa Maria from Orange Team, while also calling out Yul on how she's sick of him. Riya is then revealed to have been an extra in more than 50 movies, and never credited, which Riya points out is not that hard to figure out. Later, when both teams refuse to play Kristal's twisted game, Kristal reveals that Riya was so desperate for a major role that she almost starred in adult movie films. Green Team later wins the challenge after a member of the Orange Team does not expose a secret.

"You Are a Monster" (ENES)

Riya&Rosa Friendship

Riya informs Rosa about the current Green Team.

The next day, Riya is seen looking around the camp with Rosa to find the newly hidden Immunity Totem, where Riya thanks and informs Rosa of the current predicament going on in the Green Team, noting how she's been kind of lonely on the team. In a following confessional, Riya expresses her liking of Rosa, and how she'll need to reciprocate her friendship.

In the "Queen Says" challenge, Riya is ordered to give Kristal the perfume Connor gave her, which she initially refuses, but soon obliges with the pep talk from Rosa. In a flash scene, Riya is seen to have to had put on clown makeup as another order. Later, Riya is seen shocked at Lake and Kristal's altercation. This results in the Green Team winning the challenge.

"Broke & Back Mountain" (ENES)

The following morning, Riya is first seen to be puzzled over seeing Hunter, Tess, and Ally in the same bed. She is later seen to be surprised over Yul's medical evacuation in the previous elimination.

After Kristal announces the merge, Riya and Rosa are paired up to make their way back to camp. Riya expresses worry over the merge, noting how Rosa may go back to her alliance with Lake, to which Rosa reassures her that she will also be a part of it should they form an alliance. Riya thanks Rosa, noting how she's the best friend she's ever had. That night, Riya is seen to be squeezing into a sleeping bag with Rosa, getting little sleep due to the rain.

Riya&Rosa Exhausted

Riya and Rosa arrive, exhausted over having no sleep.

In the morning, we are told by Kristal that Riya and Rosa built a raft and the two arrive second to James and Aiden. Both expressing happiness over coming in second but noting how they need rest. Riya is later seen to be enjoying the Jacuzzi reward with the others.

"Not as Easy as It Seems" (ENES)

Inside the cabin the next day, Riya and the other girls are seen discussing their plan to get Riya's perfume back from the production tent, which ends in success. When questioned on the perfume, Riya explains how Connor gave it to her as a birthday present, before asking if it's weird to miss Connor. Riya is then motivating Lake, alongside Rosa, to switch out her blond wig for the red wig she found in the production tent.

James and Riya fight over a duel stick

Riya and James wrestle over the dueling stick.

In the first aquatic challenge, Riya is put in a group with Lake, Hunter, and James. Towards the end, Riya and the rest of her teams dodgeballs have deflated due to poor work. Despite this, she and the others win the first challenge and advance to the next stage. In part 2, Riya is put against James, where one has to knock the other off using their dueling stick. Riya successfully knocks away James's dueling stick, but James wrestles Riya for her dueling stick. With the added weight, Riya's podium falls into the water due to more poor quality, eliminating both of them from the challenge.

After Hunter wins immunity, Riya approaches Aiden and James alongside Lake and Rosa, telling them about how Hunter's alliance has been one of the strongest in the game, and how their only loss has been when Riya used her advantage to send Yul to the Orange Team. With this, Riya and the others vote for Tess due to her ability in challenges, eliminating her in a 4-3-1 vote.

"Nightmare at Tipiskaw" (ENES)

The next day, Riya is seen talking with Rosa and Lake, Riya being intrigued by Lake's wanting of a tattoo. Riya is then shocked by Rosa sharing with them the discovered immunity totem, showing to be a little uneasy by the discovery. In a following confessional, Riya explains that Rosa never told Riya about the totem until after Lake joined them, leaving Riya questioning if Rosa truly trusts her.

Riya Attacked

Riya is attacked by the "Night Butcher".

In the challenge, Riya expresses her worry over the "Night Butcher" challenge being real, leaving the girls to go check what's going on. Later, Riya and the girls are lured to the bathroom by Ally's scream, Riya stammering how the challenge is actually real. Riya attempts to stop Hunter from confronting Nina, but to no avail. The girls then try to use James's backup phone to call for help but are unsuccessful. Just then, the butcher breaks into the cabin as the girls attempt to flee. Riya unfortunately is grabbed by the butcher, telling Rosa to run before being attacked. Later, Riya is shown to still be alive, having only been knocked out by a sleeping drug, splattered in ketchup to look like blood. She is then surprised to hear that the Night Butcher is a "she", before it is revealed that the butcher is actually Karol, who returns to the game. With Ally and Hunter having immunity thanks to Nina's influence of Karol, Riya and the girls agree to vote for James, but after being approached by Ally about voting out lake, Riya questions if she should tell Rosa to use her totem on her.

Lake Eliminated

Riya feels guilty after Lake's elimination.

At elimination, Riya ultimately chooses not to inform the other girls about Lake being in danger, still voting for James, but resulting in Lake being eliminated in a 4-3-1 vote. At the bus, Riya hugs Lake alongside Rosa, but showing guilt. In a following confessional, Riya feels guilty for not telling the two about Lake being in danger, pointing out how Lake and Rosa have isolated her.

"Sabotage Below Zero" (ENES)

The following day, Riya is seen comforting a sad Rosa, who is still upset over Lake's elimination. In a following confessional, Riya explains that in order for her to work with Rosa, she needed Lake gone so she wouldn't be isolated. Before the challenge, Riya is approached by Karol, who is attempting to get Riya to side with her against James and Aiden. Riya sides with Karol, questioning James and Aiden's motive for manipulating the Orange Team against her.

Riya Questions

Riya asks if playing dirty is the only way to get further.

In the challenge, Riya is seen discussing with Karol about their positions in the game, with her straying from her goal to be "someone" in her industry, and not have to return to India with her family. She then agrees with Karol, saying how she has been feeling a bit isolated in the game for a while now. In the final part of the challenge, Riya is paired with Rosa as her guide, making sure to avoid crashing the sled. Unfortunately, with the sled being unstable, the two eventually crash into a rock, losing the challenge. After Karol and Aiden's argument, Riya questions if playing dirty is the only way to get far in the game.

At elimination, Riya joins Rosa and the boys in eliminating Ally, fearing that she and Hunter could dominate the game, sending her home in a 4-2 vote.

"Popping Trust" (ENES)

The next day, Riya is seen telling Rosa, James, and Aiden about how she couldn't find her perfume, thinking she lost it. They then discuss how they must cooperate to make Hunter lose the challenge, much to the protest of Rosa. In the challenge, Riya is seen looking for Hunter with Rosa but are ambushed and Riya loses one of her balloons and flee. As they run, Riya volunteers to cover for Rosa when she discovers Rosa tipped off Hunter about their plan. When confronted by James and Aiden, Riya covers for her by saying that it's part of their plan to lure Hunter out of hiding for a full-on assault. Riya then expresses to Rosa her acceptance with Rosa's decision, before telling Rosa to lure Hunter out. This succeeds, and Riya and the boys are able to take out two of Hunter's balloons. When the boys confront Rosa on not shooting, Riya covers for Rosa again, saying they still have a better shot with all of their balloons.

Later, when Hunter begins his attack on the others, Riya instructs Rosa to empty her bag to look for more darts to shoot but is then surprised upon seeing all of the missing items in her bag. While shocked, Hunter manages to shoot all of the others remaining balloons, winning him the challenge. At elimination, Riya votes for Rosa, supposedly still confused as to the stolen items, eliminating her in a 3-2 vote.

As Riya walks Rosa out, Riya reveals to her that she was the one who stole all of the items, and framed Rosa for the crime. Riya also tells Rosa that she stole her immunity totem from her, preventing Rosa from using it at the elimination ceremony. She then explains to the furious Rosa that it's just a game, that they can still be friends outside of it, but when Rosa explains that even if she wins, she will be alone again, Riya appears defeated as Rosa is taken away. In a following confessional, Riya explains how her plan went perfectly, that in order to get further in the game, she had to sacrifice Rosa in the process.

"Rotten Fruit" (ENES)

Riya being a slay queen icon

Riya is approached about an alliance with Hunter.

The next day, Riya approaches James and Aiden, continuing her act of confusion towards Rosa's "stealing", and accepting their invitation to join them at the lake before the challenge. There, Riya is approached by a desperate Hunter, who proposes an alliance for a final two against James and Aiden. Riya accepts, pointing out in a following confessional how she likes having so much power in the game.

Riya Exposes

Riya exposes James.

In the challenge, Riya appears frustrated at the mention of a final 3, having to change her plan and betray Hunter. Riya jumps from the highest level. Later, before the second part of the challenge, Riya decides to expose James's plan to use Aiden to increase his social media image, fearing having a couple in the final. In the second part of the challenge, she later argues with Aiden over being called an opportunist and withholding the information until the right moment, with Riya pointing out how she wasn't used to gain followers. When trying to shoot another one of her watermelons at Nina, she ends up shooting herself in the face with it. While trying to recover, Riya then argues with Hunter about Riya's stunt, before Aiden successfully wins the challenge.

Riya's Totem

Riya uses her stolen totem.

At elimination, Riya decides to use the stolen Immunity Totem to save herself from elimination. This decision pays off, as James, Hunter, and Aiden all voted for Riya. With Riya's vote deciding the loser, Riya is discovered to have voted Hunter and eliminating him, pointing out in a confessional how bringing Aiden and James, who are currently emotionally unstable, is more beneficial towards her game.

"Money, Fame and Shame - Part 1" (ENES)

Following elimination, Riya locks Aiden and James out of their cabin before the final challenge, trying to get them as tired as possible. The next morning, Riya is getting ready for the final challenge, when she begins to reminisce about the times Connor, Rosa, and Lake helped her in the game along the way, looking defeated. She then sits at a table with a defeated James at breakfast, who confronts her about if she feels bad about her actions in the game. Riya denies, pointing out if James feels bad for all of the actions he pulled in the game, to which he retreats.

Riya Taunts

Riya taunts Aiden, pushing him off the cliff.

At the final challenge site, Riya is supported by Karol, Tess, Ally, and Connor. For the final challenge, Riya chooses Connor as her partner while informing him of her efforts in the game. She then pulls out the perfume he gave her for her birthday, thinking that it would bring her good luck in the challenge. In the final challenge, Riya tries on multiple occasions to sabotage Aiden, pushing him on their skies, trying to run him over in their buggies, and throw a rock at him in the rock climbing. Eventually, Connor has enough at the rock climb, pulling Riya upward enough for her to drop both the rock, and her perfume. Upon reaching the top, Riya taunts Aiden on his fear of heights, resulting in Connor backing out of helping Riya in the final challenge. Ready to go, Riya taunts Aiden some more, before accidentally pushing him off the cliff. When asked to help, Riya refuses, and glides away to the next phase of the final challenge.

"Money, Fame and Shame - Part 2" (ENES)

James and Riya Race

Riya and James race to the finish line.

In part two of the season finale, it is shown that Yul now supports Riya after the elimination of Aiden in the semi-finals. Riya is then shown to be trying to read the cave map while also trying to drive the speedboat to the dock, looking nervous upon seeing the tunnel underwater. Riya is able to get the key first, but she unfortunately gets lost finding the exit due to how dark the cave is. Thankfully, Rosa begrudgingly decides to help her out of the cave.

Riya Loses

Riya is comforted by Connor after losing the final challenge.

She later reaches the motorcycles, catching up to James in the final leg. On the way, Riya is confronted by James again, telling her how her plan failed in the end, Riya replies that she merely tried to keep them distracted, but is then shocked when James is hot by a golf ball, curtesy of a still vengeful Karol. As Riya gains the upper hand, she is literally brought down by Lake shooting a barrage of golf balls at Riya, causing her to wipe out and lose to James. She then crosses the line, wallowing over her losing again, while apologizing to Connor for what she said to him during the challenge. After Connor explains his reason for helping her, she cries into Connor's arms. At the campfire, Riya is still shown to be sad over both her loss, and her actions.

Disventure Camp: All-Stars

Riya is seen in the intro walking with the Season 2 All-Stars to the campfire, where she looks passionately at Connor before standing in pose for a camera.

"Reach for the Stars" (ENES)

Riya is seen at a movie set when she suddenly gets a message on her phone inviting her back for All-Stars.

Riya admits her only regret was picking Connor as a helper

Riya only regrets choosing Connor.

Riya is seen in the All-Stars premiere approaching the airport in her new attire where she meets Connor, thanking him for complimenting her appearance before reassuring him that her previous interview wasn't anything, that she was only giving the fans what they wanted. We are then shown said interview where Riya admits her regret in her previous season was choosing Connor as her helper, highlighting how he slowed her down and that if she'd pick Yul or Karol she would've won. On the plane, Riya walks in and is enthusiastically greeted by Gabby on her Emmy award. Riya notes how it should've come sooner but that she'll still accept it. In her interview with Emily, Riya tells her how her manager, Reynold Chaddington, was able to get her many network drama rolls, being named by the public as the "Villainess of TV". She then awkwardly tells Emily how she and Connor haven't seen each other that much with their careers keeping them busy.

Riya tells Aiden to keep waiting for an apology

Riya doesn't see a reason to apologize to Aiden.

Later when Aiden arrives on the plane and questions Riya's apology for almost letting him die in last season's finale, Riya dismisses him to keep waiting while calling him a loser. When Yul later arrives on the plane and introduces Grett as his girlfriend, Riya questions if he was gay or not. Flying over the camp, Riya notes how the new $3,000,000 prize was tempting. Before jumping out of the plane, Riya pushes Aiden off, brushing it off as a mistake before she later jumps, Revealing she and Connor to be on the Yellow Team, leaving Riya to feign enthusiasm over them being on the same team.

"Gone Buck Wild!" (ENES)

Riya impressed by Connor

Riya is impressed by Connor.

Following their descent, Riya is surprised when at their team camp, Connor is able to make a fire out of rocks, noting how impressive it was. At night, Riya notes how the others should've come prepared better with her bringing her alpaca fur coat which keeps her warm from the cold nights. She then notes how she already knows her coat slays, while mentioning Connor shouldn't get so worked up with him having enough gray hairs as is, leaving her team to go to bed.

Riya's chased

Riya runs from a wolf.

In their first challenge, Riya acts as a guard for the Yellow Team alongside Miriam and Alec while Connor, Grett and Yul bring animals over. When Aiden attempts to stall Grett and Yul, Riya pins him down while telling the two to run. Later, Riya calls out to a wolf to guide them to their gate, yelling about what she said as she is chased by the wolf, kicking it in the face after she gets it in the gate. Later, Yellow Team comes in second place and win immunity, but Riya is unpleased and notes how they need to work harder next time so they can come in first and get the reward too.

"H2Oh-No!" (ENES)

Later that evening, Riya is seen drenched in the tent with the rest of her team, telling them how they have to win the next challenge as to not lose anymore rewards. When Yul makes a snide comment, Riya grabs onto his hair, asking him to repeat that while calling him a wise guy. When Connor tries to intervene, Riya agrees with Yul saying how she's not her daughter and to not order her around.

Riya doesnt want to hurt Connor any longer

Riya breaks things off with Connor.

In the challenge, Riya is visibly worried over the scuba diving challenge, telling Connor how scuba diving didn't work out for her last time. In the water with Connor, she tells Connor her seeing something under a rock, not wanting to go down there with it being too dark and staying behind while Connor looks for the clue. Riya is then startled and pursued by an eel, forcing Connor to use his oxygen tank to protect her, the two heading to the surface. At the dock, Riya tells Connor how she appreciates him being patient with her and protecting her, but that she doesn't want Connor around here anymore, noting how she doesn't want to hurt him anymore and that she can't keep going down the honorable path to win the game. In a following confessional, Riya expresses how seeing Connor protect her brought out a side of Riya she never wants to see again, wishing Connor the best though with him still being a vote she can use. Later when Yellow Team comes in second again and win immunity from elimination, Riya complaining to Yul and Grett about not getting the reward again.

"Sandbag Sabotage" (ENES)

The following morning, Riya is seen sunbathing when she is approached by Miriam for breakfast, asking her to bring her a plate, noting how she'd be more useful if she were a waiter. She then tells Miriam that she broke things off with Connor, confused by Miriam's talk while dismissing the points she made. Following their conversation, Riya questions Miriam talking to her like that in a confessional. The next day, Riya is invited by Alec alongside Yul and Grett to meet up by the lake, where Alec proposes an alliance between them, plus Ellie and Fiore. When Yul retaliates not wanting to work with Riya, Riya notes how it'd be smart to work with her, questioning if his early departure in season two wasn't humiliating enough.

Riya being unnecessary to Ellie

Riya throws sand at Ellie.

In the challenge, Riya dismisses Ellie asking for help in the challenge, running when she finds the sandbag. When Ellie tackles her, Riya throws sand in her eyes to blind her, getting the Yellow Team their first point. When confronted by Connor on her stunt, Riya brushes it noting how she still won. Despite this, Yellow Team loses the challenge after Alec throws the challenge. Before elimination, Riya is asked by Connor to talk after Miriam exposes the Villains Alliance to him. In their conversation, Riya tries to assure him that she wasn't trying to get Connor out with the alliance, noting how she'll keep them from targeting him.

At elimination, Riya votes for Yul, but the majority overrules this with Miriam being eliminated in a 4-1-1 vote.

"The Turbulent Triathlon" (ENES)

The next evening, Riya admits in a confessional to being the one who voted for Yul as to get his negative attention to someone else, that someone else being Connor. Riya also admits how satisfying it is to see Yul so paranoid.

Riya uses Connor

Riya uses Connor as a meat shield.

In the challenge, Riya is assigned to the final running lap, catching up to Fiore along the way and being informed about the Villains Alliance being exposed by a letter sent out by Miriam. Hearing this, Riya questions how it could've gotten out with Miriam being at their camp all day until elimination, leaving Riya confused as to who on the team exposed them. Riya then leaves Fiore and refusing to help her, wanting the reward which she successfully does and wins Yellow Team immunity and a portable shower reward much to Riya's excitement.

"Strike a Chord" (ENES)

The next day, Riya is seen taking a shower in their portable shower reward, dismissing Alec's comment mentioning how she won the reward and she can take as long as she wants. When she leaves, Riya mentions how she was just in there, so of course the water was hot.

Riya performs

Riya leads the Yellow Team performance.

In the challenge, Riya volunteers herself to be the wardrobe and set designer for the team, saying how she's the only one with acting experience. When Connor questions this, Riya sharply looks at Connor. Before the performance, Riya finishes setting up all the lights, ignoring Grett and Connor's concerns over the amount as she knows what she's doing. Riya then performs as the main lead in their song, No Matter How Hard We Try alongside Yul and Grett, but their performance is cut short when the lights begin to short circuit, causing the stage to burn down and losing the Yellow Team the challenge.

Connor is fed up

RIya and Connor are done for good.

Before elimination, Riya and the Villains come together and agree to vote out Connor with him being the only one not in the alliance. Riya then notes how they can't lose anymore challenges after this with the rest of the team only being alliance members. Leaving Yul and Grett, Riya tells Alec how she'd rather vote out Yul with him being less trustworthy than Connor, but admits it'd be too early to turn on the alliance, later lying to Connor saying how they're considering voting for Yul. At elimination, Riya joins the majority and votes out Connor in a 4-1 vote, attempting to walk him out but is denied by Connor, cursing himself for seeing something in Riya that wasn't there.

"Ball Busters" (ENES)

The following morning, Riya is seen talking with Alec about how annoying Yul is with him constantly complaining about his foot. Riya then says how she's feeling peachy after Connor's elimination, saying how Connor was dragging her down, and now he can't ruin her game this time.

Riya uses Yul as a human shield

Riya uses Yul as a human shield.

In the challenge, Riya and Alec are seen talking about what Ashley said before about Miriam's letter, Riya informing Alec about what Fiore said before about them being exposed. Riya then deduces how it had to be Connor who sent out the letter, with Yul and Grett having no reason to. She then notes to Alec how Fiore and Ellie are in danger now with the alliance exposed. Riya later finds the free pass in the woods, using it to force Trevor to push one of her teams balls for her. At the gates, Riya acts as a defender alongside Yul and Alec, going on to use Yul as a human shield to block the first ball. Thanks to Alec's log strategy, Yellow Team wins immunity and a pizza party reward.

"Give Me Some Space!" (ENES)

Alec and Riya laughing

Riya and Alec laugh at Yul.

The next day at the challenge sight Riya and Alec are seen looking at the Magenta Team seeing Fiore was eliminated, Riya adding how she "knew it". In the challenge, Riya tries to take charge of the team with her having been in a space film and knowing what she's doing but is outvoted when the team nominates Alec as the leader. Later discovering the air chute, Riya seconds Alec's motion to send Yul up the chute, pulling the lever to send him up and then back down to the ground hard, laughing at him in the process. Later in the control room, Riya is sent down a trap door alongside Aiden and Jake, dismissing Aiden's hostile attitude with her and discovering pieces of the ladder. When the ladder is finished, Riya jumps to go first, excusing it as she's the most famous but once she's at the top, she takes the ladder and preventing Jake and Aiden from climbing up, winning the Yellow Team immunity and the reward, equipment for a beach day.

"Slip & Sly" (ENES)

Riya wont go easy

Riya won't go easy on Yul.

The next day, Riya is seen enjoying the beach day equipment alongside Grett and Alec but then snapping when Yul begins his insult tirade on Grett, smashing her coconut drink on his head before leaving with Grett. At the camp, Riya questions what happened to Grett, mentioning how she looked up to her for her strong attitude in Season 1, and she's now fallen to a wounded gazelle. Hearing Grett's story of Yul, Riya tells Grett to say something when he treats her like that or she will, and that she won't go easy.

Riya pushes Tess

Riya pushes Tess.

In the challenge, Riya and the other villains are shocked to hear of Ellie's elimination, having lost two of their members in a row. Riya then tells Ashley to worry about what's left of her three person team. Later, Riya is up on the slip and slide against Ally and Tess, but shoves Tess onto Ally to stall them while mentioning how Tessally stans would go crazy. Riya then scores the second point for the Yellow Team. Riya later goes up against Gabby and Ally, trying to use the same sabotage as before but is retaliated against by Ally. With Ally scoring for the Magenta Team, Yellow Team is sent to elimination with the Cyan Team for a Joint Elimination Trial.

Before elimination, Riya says how the team just needs to put all their votes onto one person, proposing they target Aiden. At elimination, Riya questions Aiden declaring the Cyan Team voting for her, asking him if saying how she left him to die on a cliff was the most interesting he ever has to say. Riya then declares how she would beat Aiden in any tiebreaker. With Gabby flipping to the Villains, Riya votes for Tess and eliminates her 5-3.

"All’s Fair in Love and Paintball" (ENES)

The next day when the teams gather, Riya and the rest of the villains are excited when Kristal announces the Merge of the teams, but Riya then curses out when Kristal nullifies all the teams past rewards. At their new campground, Riya and the rest of the villains, with the new addition of Gabby, formulate a plan to divide the "heroes" using the issues with Jake and Aiden.

Alec and Riya Ambush

Riya and Alec in the challenge.

In the challenge, Riya and the villains split up to eliminate the heroes, Riya going with Alec and later ambushing Ashley, Jake and Ally, Riya eliminating Ally. Later, when the two try to pursue Tom, Tom dodges and shoots Riya in the eye, eliminating her. Before elimination, Riya notes how with the villains able to choose whoever they want to eliminate, they'd be setting the tone for the rest of the eliminations moving forward. At elimination, Riya and the rest of the villains vote for Ashley, eliminating her in a 5-3-2 vote. In a following confessional, Riya notes how despite wanting to get rid of Aiden, it was more fun to see him arguing with Jake with Ashley no longer around to stop them.

"Last Second Chance" (ENES)

Connor and Riya running

Riya has zero remorse for Connor's elimination.

The next day, Riya and the other contestants are shocked when the eliminated contestants return to play in a second chance challenge, with Riya being partnered with Connor for the challenge. While running, Riya gloats to Connor about how the Villains were dominating the game, dismissing Connor questioning if she felt bad eliminating him by saying how she's fine without him. She then tells Connor not to try to get in her head again, declaring how she'll win the money and adoration from millions of fans. Arriving at the motorcycles, Riya tells Connor to just leave Alec and Fiore be seeing them sabotage the bikes; she then jumps onto a bike with Connor.

Connor returns to the competition and Riya is not happy

Riya is not happy with Connor's return.

At the top, Riya refuses to go down in the harness, saying how she doesn't want her hair wet while noting how she'll do the pulley. Riya is then approached by Alec, insisting they get Fiore back in the game over anyone else, to which Riya replies how she's bringing the old man down nice and slow. When Ashley tries to question their devious schemes, Riya retorts how that's rich coming from a loser, approaching her and breaking her pulley and sending Jake down the cliff. Riya then breaks her own pulley and sends Connor down the cliff, but is shocked when Connor arrives at the stop by climbing up the rope. Confronted on her reasons, Riya explains that as long as Connor's gone, she doesn't care if she doesn't win immunity, telling him he now knows how it feels to have a partner who makes you lose. When Connor finishes fixing the glider, Riya initially refuses, but is pulled over the edge by Connor and forcing her to glide. While gliding down, Riya downplays his minor victory, mentioning how he'll always lose before the two crashes by the finish line, winning immunity from the next elimination.

"Hungry like the Wolf" (ENES)

The following evening, Riya approaches Alec worried about Connor's return to the game ruining the villains progress, being told to keep the wedge between Jake and Ally going for now.

Riya uses the flag to sway Ally

Riya tries to sway Ally.

In the challenge, Riya initially asks Kristal if she has to compete with her having immunity already, to which she is told by Kristal if she won immunity, she as well as Connor could pass on the immunity to someone else. Approaching Alec and Tom fighting, Riya attempts to wrestle the flag from them, later catching it when Tom launches the flag in the air and falls, leaving Alec to fight him off. At night, Riya approaches Ally asking what's going on with her and Jake, mentioning how they should be making deals for the end. Riya then proposes she help Ally with Jake, giving her the flag as a sign of good faith. Later, Riya meets with Gabby where she dismisses Gabby proposing they turn on Yul to Tom, reminding her how she got rid of Ellie. When Gabby explains her not being as mad anymore, Riya gives a disapproving look, questioning why Gabby is concerned over Grett's happiness over her strategy in a following confessional. After the challenge, Riya thanks Alec for taking her on his dinner reward.

Before elimination, Riya and Yul try to approach Connor about his actions, Riya mentioning to Yul when Connor brushes them off how she can't wait to eliminate him after his immunity is gone. At elimination, Riya and the villains vote for Tom, resulting in a 5-5 vote tie with him and Gabby. In the tiebreaker, Riya questions how they can help Gabby. When Gabby wins the tiebreaker, Riya and the other villains are ecstatic, Riya then happy when Trevor announces the dinner reward is ready.

"Dis-vengers" (ENES)

Alec opens up to Riya

Riya cuts Alec off from drinking.

Later that evening, Riya is seen drunkenly throwing a bottle at a tree, silencing Alec's teasing and asking him to give her another bottle. Riya is later seen walking with Alec while explaining how she lost an audition, before asking Alec about why he never talks about himself or his life. Riya then stops when Alec begins to break down about him losing his wife and career, holding Alec back from grabbing the alcohol bottle in her hands. When questioned on if she feels the same, Riya mentions how she still remembers the good days with Connor and how she loved her when she was nobody, mentioning how someday she'll find the one before Alec pulls her into a kiss. Riya then pushes Alec, back, mentioning how they can't be anything and how nobody can know, walking away from him. The next day, Riya is approached by Aiden about how he saw her and Alec's exchange at night, Riya dismissing him to tell whoever but cursing Aiden in a following confessional.

Riya evil fire costume

Riya in the virtual reality.

In the challenge, Riya is seen to have chosen fire control as a superpower to burn her enemies into the ground. In the virtual reality, Riya is seen trying to get used to her powers by shooting fireballs, when she spots a bird which is actually Gabby as a shapeshifter. Riya then tells Gabby to go find the other villains so they can eliminate the heroes from the challenge, not caring how they're eliminated as long as they are. When Gabby leaves, Riya throws a fireball at a moving bush, which just turns out to be a powerless Alec. In their talk, Riya asserts that she doesn't have feelings for him and that it was just a drunken mistake. Riya then tells Alec how Aiden spied on them, and how they need to eliminate him before he tells Connor. Confronting Jake and Aiden, Riya tries to throw fire at them but is stalled by Aiden's super speed and Jake's telekinesis. Despite Riya trying to stall the two from using their powers, Riya is buried into the ground with Jake's telekinesis, eliminating her.

At elimination, Riya votes for Connor, but with Gabby and Grett joining the heroes, Yul is eliminated in a 6-3 vote.

"TikTok on the Clock" (ENES)

Riya and Alec scared

Riya is startled by Aiden's announcement.

The next day, Riya and Alec approach Gabby and Grett to ensure the villains stand strong now that the Yul is gone, Riya noting how they're sticking together as allies. Later, Riya approaches Ally asking why she's stretching, getting to the point by asking why she isn't with the other heroes, questioning if she was a hero. Hearing Ally's concerns, Riya advises Ally to just be herself, that pretending to be someone else will only prevent others from seeing the real her. Riya then notes to Ally how she said the same thing to someone before. In a following confessional, Riya asserts that she doesn't care about Ally's problems, but with the villains needing a hero to flip, she may have found her golden ticket. Later at the camp, Riya is startled when Aiden begins announcing her and Alec's drunk kiss, angrily asking what he's doing. When exposed, Riya says how she's allowed to kiss who she wants, asking if that was all he had to say when Connor expresses a nonchalant response.

Riya appalled

Riya is appalled by the WAP dance.

In the challenge, Riya is angered hearing of the Sudden Death challenge, thinking all their work to keep the villains together didn't even matter. For this challenge, Riya is partnered with Aiden, expressing displeasure working with him when he complains and calling him short stack, before the jump off the cliff to floss for the first TikTok challenge. At the second TikTok sight, Riya curses her life when told to have to do the gritty next to the sleeping bear. At the third TikTok sight, Riya is confused on how to do the renegade dance, having to learn it from Aiden alongside Alec and Connor. At the final TikTok sight, Riya begins taking apart the wiring for the boats, telling Aiden it's all to ensure their victory. At the final TikTok sight, Riya is confused but later appalled to see Aiden perform the WAP dance. Finishing the dance, Riya and Aiden arrive as the first team to arrive. celebrating with Aiden before recoiling.

"Weight Off Your Shoulders" (ENES)

Riya grins

Riya schemes with Alec.

The next day, Riya is seen struggling to open a coconut when she asks Riya seductively to help her. Riya then asks Alec what's wrong, thinking it's because of Connor. Hearing Alec's worries, Riya tells him to stay focused with them needing to flip over one of the heroes, telling him to check on Grett while she flips one of them, grinning when Alec asks who she has in mind. They are then interrupted by Connor, where Riya pulls Alec into a kiss and leaves the two while saying she'll see Alec later. In a following confessional, Riya notes how she needs to find a way to keep his morale low so it's easier to boot him with her being a thorn in her side recently. While searching for the newly hidden Immunity Totem, Riya approaches Ally and praises her for her leaving Jake for bear food in the last challenge, noting how she's playing it smart. Later, Riya is frustrated in a confessional over how she wasted all her free time flipping Ally.

Riya lies

Riya in the challenge.

 In the challenge, Riya asks Aiden a question on if she prefers Jake or Ally, receiving weights when he answers honestly. Riya is later asked if she was proud being called the villain of tv, answering honestly in a confident yes. Riya then asks Jake if he only befriended Aiden for haven eliminated James, receiving weights when he answers honestly. Riya is then asked by Ally if she was really trying to help her, with Riya telling the truth with a yes. In a following confessional, Riya praises herself for being able to fool a lie detector, thinking she deserved ten more Emmys for that performance. Riya is then asked by Connor if on their first date together, she considered leaving Hollywood for him, to which she lies saying no, resulting in her receiving another load of weights and losing the challenge. In another confessional, Riya acknowledges that Connor is now a threat to her with him knowing too much about her, wanting him gone tonight.

Riya sways Ally

Riya and Alec try to flip Ally.

Before elimination, Riya and Alec approach Ally on if she was officially switching sides, motivating her by mentioning that they can target one of the other heroes if she wants to hurt Jake, with him having immunity. At the dock, Riya tells Alec and Connor how she means to hurt him, pushing Connor into the lake before asking Alec why he's talking with the enemy. Riya then tells Connor how she never needed him and laughing at his declaration to win, slapping his hand away before dragging Alec. At elimination, Riya and the villains vote for Aiden, with Ally joining them and eliminating him in a 4-3 vote. After the vote, Riya questions if they had flushed the totem with Aiden, offended when Aiden boldly insults her. In a following confessional, Riya admits having wanted Connor gone, but that Ally wouldn't have voted with them otherwise.

"Gone Downhill" (ENES)

Riya Stinky

Riya stinky.

The following morning, Riya is seen bathing in the lake, but leaves no results as seen when she checks her odor. In a confessional, Riya is seen missing her shower reward, questioning who thought not to give them soap and shampoo and wishing they were fired. Riya then approaches Connor if he has anymore of the perfume she gave him for her birthday last season, promising she'd pay for it after the show, but is confused when Connor simply walks away. Later in a confessional, Riya notes how with her seeing Alec and Connor trying to hash things out the previous day, she needs to ensure Alec is only loyal to her. She is then seen trying to make advances at Alec by holding his hand and even trying to kiss him again but is pushed away by Alec. Riya then tells Alec how Connor is just someone who saw something in her that wasn't there, mentioning how he came onto her last time. When Alec retorts, Riya curses him out and walks away, mentioning in a following confessional how Alec missed out.

In the challenge, Riya tells Kristal that Alec is being moody being the reason for his low enthusiasm. Riya then hopes for a shower and soap for the reward but is disappointed when it's simply a six pack of beer. Riya starts the challenge with an early lead, later trying to stall the others by sending down a sled of rocks to the other contestants but loses the lead to Grett. Getting all her puzzle pieces, Riya tries copying off of Alec to finish her puzzle, but fails to do so with Grett finishing the puzzle first.

Riya Fury

Riya is angered by Connor using his totem.

Before elimination, Riya approaches Alec wanting to confirm their continued allegiance, much to Alec's reluctance. Riya then mentions how despite Alec falling off, she'll still stick with him for his vote for the time being. Riya then argues with Ally over who to vote for with Riya wanting to vote Connor, Ally wanting Jake. At elimination, Riya angrily asserts her knowing Connor had the Immunity Totem, with him using it on Jake, saving him from elimination and eliminating Alec in a 2-4 vote.

Sad Riya

Riya looks down sadly.

After the vote, Riya questions how Connor feels that his "little toy" isn't in the game anymore, dismissing Alec as expendable. Riya is then shocked when Connor pulls out the same perfume he gave her, not caring for Connor's explanation and jumping on him to get it. When Connor tosses it into the lake, Riya chases after it, trying to gloat to Connor after she gets it but is disappointed seeing Connor so upset, tossing the perfume back in the lake.

"Like a Dark Horse" (ENES)

Riyally letters

Riya talks with Ally about their letters.

The next day, Riya is seen looking sadly away from a camera, explaining in a confessional how she felt something off after Alec was eliminated and seeing Connor so disappointed, making her think she doesn't want to be a villain anymore. Riya then approaches Ally asking her if she thinks she's a bad person, thinking that not caring too much can bring the worst out of yourself. Riya then worries in a following confessional how she may have sent Ally down a dangerous path, noting what's the point of not caring about the publics thoughts when you have to hurt those closest to you. Riya and Ally are then approached by Grett, trying to finalize a final three. Later, Riya tells Ally how she got a letter from her sister Eesha, who's views Riya as a role model and wishes to pursue acting as well when she's over eighteen and in the states. In a following confessional however, Riya worries over Eesha wanting to pursue acting, not wanting this for her.


Riya struggles with Bojack.

In the challenge, Riya is seen trying to tame the wild horse, Bojack, having difficulty doing so due to their stubbornness. In a following confessional, Riya explains how despite her trying to be patient with Bojack, that she hates losing. Riya and Bojack are seen slowly getting through the obstacles. At the second obstacle, Riya snaps and kicks Bojack, resulting in her being sent flying and dangling from a tree. Just before she falls however, Connor saves her and the two easily catch up to the others. Seeing the finish line however, Riya gets a devilish look and kisses Connor, apologizing to him before pushing him in front of a branch and sending him flying down the mountain. Riding on Connor's horse however, Riya wins the challenge and immunity.

Riya Struggles

Riya struggles to compose herself.

Heading down the mountain however, Riya is shocked when Connor says he can't move his leg, saying in a confessional how she just wanted to push him off the horse, not wanting this. When confronted by Connor on this, Riya gives a weak response, trying to hold back while looking at cameras spotted around them, bringing back her composure and coldly replying that it's just the game to Connor, walking away sadly. Before elimination, Riya talks with Grett over who to vote, the two deciding on Jake but leaving Riya disappointed she couldn't eliminate Connor again. At elimination, Riya votes for Jake, but with Ally turning on them, Grett is eliminated in a 3-2 vote, leaving Riya furious. After Grett's elimination, Riya notes her only hope is to win immunity to get the finale, noting how the others are sadly mistaken if they think it's over for her.

"State of Shock" (ENES)

Riya frames Jake

Riya destroys Ally's game and frames Jake.

The following morning, Riya is seen taunting Connor's injury by saying how he'll do terribly in the challenges. When Connor leaves to play Ally's game, Riya asks Jake if he lost his friend, looking intrigued when Jake proposes voting Ally. In a following confessional, Riya notes how despite her being the last of the villains alliance, that if she can keep Ally and Jake's wedge that she may have a chance. Eavesdropping on Ally and Connor, Riya sets out and destroys Ally's game, planting Jake's hair tie to frame him. At the beach, Riya is confronted by Connor on her scheme continuing to feign ignorance, notes how she's been waiting to take him down.

Riya wins Immunity

Riya wins the final immunity.

In the challenge, Riya is shocked when she is assigned Connor for her mannequin quest, noting how she's going to burn that mannequin in a following confessional. Starting, Riya pushes Connor to get the lead, but is brought down when Connor activates her shock collar. Riya later catches up to Connor and shocks him back. Later finding Ally, Riya tries to zap her but fails with Ally's quick reflexes. Riya later shocks Ally at the start where she puts her second clothing piece. Getting her third clothing piece, Riya decides to camp the entrance to zap Ally, preventing her from winning and allowing her to get her last piece. When Ally appears, Riya is shocked when Ally uses Ashley's copper belt to block the radio signal to her shock collar. Just then however, Jake shocks Ally, letting Riya subdue both him and Connor and allowing her to go grab her final clothing item, winning the final immunity.

Riya taunts Connor

Riya taunts Connor.

Before elimination, Riya notes her important decision, mentioning how she'll keep Connor with his performance in the challenge showing he has very little in the tank. Riya then approaches a sad Jake, proposing she work with him to eliminate Ally with her close win in the immunity challenge. Riya later approaches Connor, mentioning how bad his performance is and taunting him with how she's bringing him to the finale to watch him lose. Riya then tells Connor how back when she broke things off with him, she actually did so because he's worthless, leaving him but not before Riya is left pondered when Connor questions if it was all an act. At elimination, Riya expresses her happiness to still be in the game to Kristal and how everything is going as planned. Just then, Connor declares him quitting the game to prevent Riya from winning, Riya shockingly questions his action. Before he leaves, Riya gives Connor a sad look.

With Connor's elimination, Riya is confirmed as one of the finalists for the finale.

"No Vacancy" (ENES)

In a confessional, Riya explains how Kristal informed her of a disadvantage she was given thanks to the losers at the motel, Riya thinking Connor was behind it. She then explains she was also told her helper being Yul, expressing how she got two disadvantages.

"What’s Mine Is Mine" (ENES)

Riya rips

Riya rips Jake's letter.

Before the start of the final challenge, Riya is seen getting her breakfast from Marcus and Nina in the morning, praising herself in a following confessional for being the only contestant ever to have made the finals twice while asserting how much she's had to work to make it this far. Spying on Ally and Jake, Riya approaches them and proposes a truce to fight to the end, even proposing they read each of their letters from home to help close their chapters. Riya starts off by reading Ally's letter, which rounds up to her mother not approving of her internet career. When Jake reads out Riya's letter, Riya is saddened hearing of her sister Eesha wanting to move to LA and go into acting but quickly recovers. After Ally confronts Jake on his letter exposing his "lies", Riya is shown in a confessional to have written a fake letter to Jake and ripped the old one, framing Jake as a liar. Riya then wishes Jake luck on trying to team up against her now with Ally.

Riya grabs Yul

Riya grabs Yul by his collar.

In the challenge, Riya is given Yul as her helper, much to her annoyance. Inside the mine, Riya is also pissed when her disadvantage is revealed to be having to use kiddy tools to dig instead of normal ones. Reaching a cliff, Riya grabs a piece of wood and tells Yul to cross it, grabbing him by the collar when he tries to refuse. When Yul falls, Riya climbs down the cliff to reach him. Later, Riya is seen struggling with Yul to use their toy tools, Riya asking Yul to shut up when he complains about his nails. When Riya is startled by something and Yul insults her, she slaps him and the two engage in a fight but are later scared when a giant scorpion approaches them. Fleeing, the two encounter the other pairs and head to a tunnel to escape, relieved. When Yul comments on how they're safe now and the tunnel begins to collapse, Riya slaps Yul and tells him to never speak again, reaching the end of the tunnel and leaving the other two pairs in the crumbling tunnel. Leaving, Riya asserts they will be fine but is left worried when Yul comments they may not.

Riya taunts Ally

Riya taunts Ally.

Reaching the climb to the exit, Riya is annoyed at Yul refusing to leave behind his stuck shirt in the cave, heading down to try and free him from it. When the other pairs catch up, Riya tries to stall them by dropping debris but fails as Ally claims the lead. In a fit of rage, Riya grabs a rock and snaps off a piece of Yul's shirt, threatening him to not retaliate with a rock as they climb. In a confessional, Riya asserts how she won't have anybody slow her down this time, later throwing a rock at Ally while taunting her for how she's a brat for not being able to get over silly internet comments, listing off how she, Grett, and even Hunter knows it. As she leaves the cave, Riya and Yul arrive first to the finish line, rubbing her win into the others' faces. When it's revealed Ally's bag is broken, Riya explains how she saw her bag break and her gems fall out, noting how this payoff was everything she hoped for. In a following confessional, Riya points out how close she is to winning, with her only obstacle left being Jake.

"Put to the Sword" (ENES)

In part two of the All-Stars finale, Riya is unpleased hearing of their two new helpers, Riya being assigned Ellie as a volunteer, and Alec by a forced random drawing. At the colosseum, Riya complains about their new attire, stepping into the colosseum with Jake.

Riya's Strategy

Riya can't play defense.

In the final challenge, Riya denies Alec and Ellie of protecting her, saying she can handle herself. Riya and her helpers then attack Jake, Riya an Ellie going to stop Tom from intervening. Riya is later seen hitting Tom to the ground with Ellie, but Tom breaks free much to Riya's annoyance. In a following confessional, Riya explains how she learned from getting her first acting gig that if she wants to climb the ladder, she can't play defense. Riya then approaches Alec ordering him to get into position, but is shocked when Alec forfeits being her helper, but then dismisses him saying she doesn't need him. With Gabby as her new helper, Riya orders Gabby and Ellie to go for Jake instead of the new tiger distraction. When Gabby calms the tiger, Riya throws a rock at it but results in Gabby getting her hand bitten. Riya then throws another rock at the tiger and gets its attention, throwing gone of her shoulder armor pieces at Tom and having him attacked by the tiger. Riya then hits Ally's leg from behind, saying they have to be quicker than that. After Riya wins the first part, she brushes off Ellie's anger over Gabby being hurt saying she can treat her to the helper prize. Riya is then surprised when Ellie as well forfeits being her helper alongside Gabby but doesn't retaliate seeing Ellie's anger. She then tells Kristal to save the trouble of giving her another helper.

Riya hits Jake

Riya hits Jake with her shield.

In the second part with her new armor, Riya goes immediately on the offensive and gets the first point knocking Jake to the ground. Riya then tries in round two to do the same but is knocked down after Jake avoids her attack. Enraged by this in round three, Riya tries to go on the offensive again, but fails as Jake scores the second point. Before the next round, Riya is approached by Connor attempting to get through to her on how she knows a part of her sees that he's right, but Riya retaliates, saying how she'll make what happened to Connor look like a scrap compared to what she'll do to Jake. In round four, uses her sword to shove away Jake's shield, hitting him near the neck before shoving him off the pedestal. After Jake has his moment with Tom, Riya is visibly annoyed hearing Jake give a small speech to her, before round five begins. In round five, Riya and Jake are at a stalemate, but Jake gains the upper hand shoving away Riya's sword and pushing her near the edge. Shouting loudly, Riya uses her shield to hit Jake in his chest before tossing her shield at him off the platform, winning the final challenge.

After receiving her prize, Riya silences Kristal's comments saying how she earned this money, deciding to throw her money around. On the way back from the camp, Riya is seen looking sadly on the bus. Arriving at the airport, Riya approaches Connor attempting to hug him, but is pushed away. Hearing Connor's talk, Riya brushes it off saying how she still won in the end, noting how Connor can stay mad just like everyone else, but is visibly sad when Connor walks away. Later, Riya is seen crying watching how happy everyone else in the game is doing, especially seeing Connor getting married. Riya then smiles as she looks at her awards, but her smile quickly fades, realizing that none of her accomplishments have given her any happiness. The episode ends when she gets called by her sister, Eesha.


Disventure Camp Season 2[]

Season 2 Voting History
Episode Riya's
Voted Against
1 Green Team Immune
2 Green Team Immune
3 Yul -
4 Green Team Immune
5 Green Team Immune
6 No Vote
7 Tess -
8 James Aiden
9 Ally -
10 Rosa Maria -
11 Hunter Aiden, Hunter, James
12 Advanced to Round 2
of Final Challenge
Runner-up of Season 2

Disventure Camp: All-Stars[]

All-Stars Voting History
Episode Riya's
Voted Against
1 No Vote
2 Yellow Team Immune
3 Yellow Team Immune
4 Yul -
5 Yellow Team Immune
6 Connor -
7 Yellow Team Immune
8 Yellow Team Immune
9 Tess Aiden, Tess, Tom
10 Ashley -
11 No Vote
12 Tom Individual Immunity
13 Connor -
14 Sudden Death Challenge
15 Aiden Aiden, Connor, Jake
16 Jake -
17 Jake Individual Immunity
18 - Individual Immunity
19 No Vote
20 Advanced to Round 2
of Final Challenge
Winner of All-Stars



  • Riya is currently the only antagonist to win Disventure Camp.
  • Riya is the contestant with the highest average placement to participate in two seasons, with an average placement of 1.5.
  • Riya is one of eight contestants to share individual immunity with another contestant during an Elimination Trial, along with Aiden, Alec, Ally, Connor, Hunter, Jake, and Karol.
  • Riya is one of eight contestants to merge twice, along with Aiden, Alec, Ally, Gabby, Grett, Jake, and Tom.
  • Riya is one of six contestants to place higher on All-Stars than on their debut season, along with Ally, Connor, Grett, Jake, and Yul.
  • Riya is currently tied with Hunter and Jake for the most wins in one season, having had some form of immunity eight times throughout a season.
  • Riya is the only contestant to compete in two seasons to have never been voted out at some point.
    • As a result, Riya is one of four contestants to have never resided at the Motel, along with Kai, Maggy, and Oliver.
  • Riya was the only contestant to reach the Final Three and the Final Two twice.
    • This makes Riya the only contestant to have outranked every other competing contestant, except for the winner of Carnival of Chaos.
  • Riya is currently the only contestant in the canon series to steal an Immunity Totem from another contestant.
    • This currently makes Riya one of two contestants to have used an Immunity Totem on themselves at some point.
  • Riya was the highest placing member of the Green Team and the Yellow Team, placing 2nd and 1st, respectively.
  • Riya was the only contestant in Season 2 to cast a vote against Hunter.



  • According to Jared Madrigal, Riya was originally going to place 4th in the first draft of All-Stars.[4]
  • In "Open Your Eyes", Riya celebrated her 29th birthday, making her the first ever Disventure Camp contestant to celebrate their birthday while competing.
  • In "Truth Hurts", it is revealed that Riya was close to starring in adult movies in order to get a major role.
    • Additionally, in "Dis-vengers", Yul insults Riya by saying that he "has seen adult movies with better acting", implying that Riya is likely starring in adult movies at the time of All-Stars, despite gaining fame after Season 2.
  • According to a personalized greeting, Riya's favorite type of cake is the chocolate lava cake made for her by her personal chef.
  • Coincidentally, Riya's name and nationality are identical to the real-life Hindi actress Riya Sharma. However, it is yet to be confirmed if her character was inspired by this person in some way, or if this is just a coincidence.


Disventure Camp Season 2

Disventure Camp: All-Stars



Riya Sharma
Interactions with Everyone | Aiden | Alec | Ally | Connor | Jake | James | Rosa María | Yul
Other content James' alliance | Rosa María's alliance | Villains' alliance
Eliminated from Disventure Camp: All-Stars
Previous Episode Next
Jake Winner! Winner!
Green Team Members
Original Ally | Connor | Hunter | Kai | Riya | Tess | Yul
Post Swap Rosa María
Yellow Team Members
Alec - Connor - Grett - Miriam - Riya - Yul
Disventure Camp Season 2 contestants
Disventure Camp: All-Stars contestants